More Platform Woes...

Hello dear friends,

You may have noticed that my audio from yesterday was taken down, making it my second Patreon audio to be removed and not reposted after a quick appeal. I've actually edited each post and sent them in for a review 7+ times each lol, leaving me to think that it's something in the audio itself vs just the title and/or description.

I know this is frustrating. Trust me when I say I'm frustrated too 🙃 But I have a few ideas! Due to all my YouTube woes, I've been in numerous talks with various platforms to house my content. If all goes well, in a week or two I should have a solution for these two audios, as well as problems like this in the future!

I was hoping to wait until this was fully sorted to make an announcement, but I don't want you cats thinking that I'm taking audios down myself or even just not posting them to begin with! Consistency is super important to me man, so I just want to be transparent with you. I'm really sorry for this inconvenience, but I promise I'm working on it! I just need a bit more time :totallyFine:

Thanks for your patience 💕